Sunday, September 14, 2008

Daily Reflections in Life

Always remember that you can never
find a perfect partner to love you the
way you wanted..

only a person who's willing to love you
more than what you are...

someone who'll accept you for what you
can and can't be...
And that's even better than perfect....


Never regret the choice you make,
just believe in yourself and have faith...
life isn't perfect, it's a blend of joy and sorrow
but wherever life leads you, it's because of a PURPOSE!



whew!...Hi to all!

Actually, this isn't the first I've used blogspot......
Well, I haven't posted since the day I created this account, well that is because I was admitted to the hospital for 5 days and must rest for 1 that's why I can't post anything since I can't use the pc...well starting from now on, I would be posting in my blogspot already..=D